Principals & School Administrators


We provide teachers with essential scaffolding through our professional development programs, enabling them to deliver STEM courses that prepare students for college and careers. Each of our programs offers unique advantages, has specific costs, eligibility criteria, and requires commitments at the school or district level.


The LSU STEM Pathways offer exciting hands-on training in STEM subjects—Biomedical Science, Computing, Digital Design & Emergent Media, Environmental Protection & Sustainability, and Pre-Engineering. Partnering with schools statewide, LSU prepares teachers for the program’s STEM curricula. The courses are tailored for high school with preparatory classes and/or modules for middle and elementary school, serving 10,000+ students and their teachers.

Starting in 2023–2024, first-year LSU students with a 3.5 high school GPA who have completed four/eight LSU STEM Pathway courses can apply for one of 30 Silver/Gold STEM Seal Scholarships with $750/$1,500 cash awards.

High School STEM Pathway Courses

STEM Pathways prepare students for post-secondary STEM degrees or high-demand industry credentials by offering high school credit courses in five STEM disciplines. Upon successfully completing each course, students earn LSU certificates, leading to state-recognized Silver or Gold STEM endorsements.

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STEM Pathway Courses for Middle School Students

Middle school students can earn high school credit by taking 8th grade Survey of Computer Science or 7th or 8th grade Introduction to STEM Pathways and Careers. These courses offer a jumpstart on STEM pathways and contribute to fulfilling graduation requirements.

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Middle School Elective Courses

Early exposure to project-based STEM courses is crucial in fostering student interest in STEM during high school. These fully developed middle school elective courses, although they do not offer high school credit, play a significant role in building a successful pathway for students in STEM education. 

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Pre-Dual Enrollment

The Pre-DE program provides teachers with quality course material and training in traditional high school Mathematics (Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra II) and English (English I, II, and III). It prepares students for success in college-level coursework during their later years of high school.

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Dual Enrollment: Facilitator Model

Students enroll at LSU and attend courses conducted at their local high schools. LSU faculty develop, manage, and monitor the content, while trained teachers facilitate the courses. This model is well-suited to teachers with a strong subject-matter background.

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High School Companion Course for Asynchronous Dual Enrollment

STEM Pathways equip students with high school credit courses in five STEM disciplines, preparing them for post-secondary STEM degrees or high-demand industry credentials. Successful completion of each course earns students LSU certificates, leading to state-recognized Silver or Gold STEM endorsements. This model empowers students to earn college credit during their high school years, propelling them towards post-secondary education.

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Choice Credit for College Learning Model

Students deserve the opportunity to take advanced courses, regardless of their readiness or access to college-level classes. The Choice Model enables students to enroll in LSU courses, giving them the autonomy to decide whether to transcribe the credit upon receiving their final grade. Teachers are equipped with training to guide students throughout their college-level course experience. 

Contact Kaleb Gardner for more information: 


K–12 STEM Modules 

Our professional development enriches teachers with flexible implementation of STEM content, enhancing their expertise and enabling feedback. The versatility of our STEM modules allows for integration in standalone courses, traditional classrooms, and before- and after-school programs, ensuring adaptability across all grade levels. These modules promote vertical STEM skill alignment, cultivate life skills, and nurture STEM identity and career awareness in the educational pipeline.

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LSU is the® Regional Partner and K–12 computer science hub for Louisiana. In partnership with, we will drive new awareness and expansion of computer science education across the state for flexible classroom implementation. Anyone can teach CS—you don't have to be a software developer.

Participants must register with It only takes 10–15 minutes to create an account. Please reach out to us directly with any questions:
We are standing by, ready to help!

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Quality Science & Mathematics Grants

Teachers can earn different amounts based on the grade levels they teach—$1,000 (PK–2), $1,500 (3rd–5th), and $2,000 (6th–12th)—per teacher, per year. It is advisable to align your course offerings with state or district guidelines for engineering, computer science, and related STEM courses. Additionally, you can use the funds to purchase reusable educational materials and equipment. This will help improve equity and accelerate learning for students who require additional support, simplify the teaching-learning process through targeted content development, and enhance your school's ability to meet Louisiana Science and Mathematics Standards.

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Capital Area STEM Network Center (LaSTEM Region 2)

As the LaSTEM Region 2 Network Center, Capital Area STEM plays a vital role in promoting STEM awareness, participation, achievement, and career opportunities. Operating under the LSU Gordon A. Cain Center for STEM Literacy, Capital Area STEM fosters STEM engagement through partnerships with educators, business leaders, professionals, and the community. Their goal is to enhance access to quality STEM education and contribute to a more inclusive and equitable STEM workforce. Capital Area STEM facilitates communication and engagement through its monthly newsletter, event calendar, and blog. 

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