    Megan Stone
    QSM Grant Administrator
    LSU Gordon A. Cain Center
    222 Prescott Hall
    1+ 225 578 4606

    Quality Science & Mathematics Grant Program

    The Quality Science and Mathematics (QSM) Grant Program awards grants up to $2,000 to Louisiana PK-12 public school teachers for purchasing non-consumable materials and equipment for standards-based, effective, innovative, and high-quality mathematics, science and STEM course instruction.

    Qualifying applicants demonstrate how grant materials would enhance the quality of instruction for traditional students enrolled in mathematics, science or STEM classes during the normal school day. Neither Special Education, which includes Gifted & Talented, nor after school programs are eligible. 

    The QSM Program is state funded and was established by R.S. 17:374 of the Louisiana Legislature in the summer of 1992. QSM Council Members include representatives from several educational organizations in Louisiana as identified in the legislation. A reporting unit of the QSM Council, the LSU Gordon A. Cain Center for STEM Literacy administers this program.