News & Media Center
News Releases by Date
201-250 of 252
October 2019
- Wednesday, 10/30/2019
- Dr. Trepanier featured in an article in the Reveille
- Tuesday, 10/15/2019
- Geography and Anthropology Students Win Awards at SWAAG 2019
- Thursday, 10/10/2019
- South-Central Conference on Mesoamerica Oct. 18-20
- Tuesday, 10/08/2019
- LSU Andeanists Attend Conference in Alabama
September 2019
- Friday, 09/20/2019
- Alumnus Richard Campanella Wins Major Award
August 2019
- Wednesday, 08/28/2019
- Summer 2019 Commencement
- Wednesday, 08/28/2019
- Dr. Heather McKillop Selected a Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer
June 2019
- Friday, 06/21/2019
- Professor Barry Keim featured in an article on the Weather Channel website
May 2019
- Thursday, 05/30/2019
- Professor Barry Keim guest on Sunday Journal
- Thursday, 05/09/2019
- LSU FACES Director Ginesse Listi Honored at Reception
- Thursday, 05/02/2019
- Kristine DeLong, PhD, presented "Ancient Underwater Forest" at the LSU Science Café
April 2019
- Tuesday, 04/09/2019
- Congratulations to Faculty Award Winners
March 2019
- Friday, 03/29/2019
- 88th meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists
- Thursday, 03/21/2019
- Robert C. West, R.J. Russell, and G&A Materials Graduate Student Research Awards
- Monday, 03/18/2019
- Undergraduates conducting field research
- Monday, 03/18/2019
- Reconstructing Past Hurricanes
- Friday, 03/08/2019
- G&A at the Krewe of Southdowns Parade
February 2019
- Friday, 02/22/2019
- World Anthropology Day
- Monday, 02/11/2019
- Climate, Water, and Archaeology in Peru
- Friday, 02/08/2019
- Archaeology and Community Outreach in Peru
- Tuesday, 02/05/2019
- Coastal LA AMS Meeting - Feb. 21
January 2019
- Thursday, 01/31/2019
- Thursday, 01/24/2019
- LSU Science Café: Ancient Underwater Forest
December 2018
- Monday, 12/17/2018
- Fall 2018 Commencement Ceremony
October 2018
- Tuesday, 10/16/2018
- LSU Graduate Students Win Presentation Competition at SWAAG 2018
- Tuesday, 10/16/2018
- LSU Hosts Regional Geography Conference
- Monday, 10/15/2018
- Human Coast Rolling Seminar
- Monday, 10/15/2018
- Dr. Heather McKillop Speaks About Maya Salt Works in Interview
- Wednesday, 10/03/2018
- Outstanding Faculty Research Secures Major Grants
September 2018
August 2018
- Friday, 08/31/2018
- Alumnus Soe W. Myint Presents a Speech at the 129th AIT Graduation Ceremony
- Friday, 08/31/2018
- Martin J. Pasqualetti to Receive UCR Distinguished Alumnus Award
- Friday, 08/17/2018
- Student Leads Excavations in Peru
- Friday, 08/17/2018
- ANTH 4997 course replicates hominid scavenging processes
May 2018
- Tuesday, 05/01/2018
- LSU Alumni Featured in National Academy of Sciences Session at AAG
- Tuesday, 05/01/2018
- Faculty and Grad Students Publish Research on UAV Mapping
April 2018
- Sunday, 04/01/2018
- GIS Analyst position – City of Shreveport Engineering Department
- Sunday, 04/01/2018
- Postdoctoral Diversity Fellowship in Black Geographies
- Sunday, 04/01/2018
- Colten Gives Distinguished Historical Geography Lecture at AAG
- Sunday, 04/01/2018
- LSU Alumnus Featured Speaker at AAG
- Sunday, 04/01/2018
- Lecturer - Human Geography - Department of Geography
- Sunday, 04/01/2018
- Postdoctoral Diversity Fellowship in Black Geographies
- Sunday, 04/01/2018
- AAG President Selects Four LSU Geography Alumni for Plenary Session
March 2018
- Thursday, 03/01/2018
- Assistant Professor of Environmental Geospatial Science at UCONN
- Thursday, 03/01/2018
- Yaping Xu Wins Award for Louisiana Sea Grant Annual Coastal Connections Competition
- Thursday, 03/01/2018
- Instructor Geography – Houston Community College
- Thursday, 03/01/2018
- Anthropology Major Named as One of Elite Tiger Twelve
- Thursday, 03/01/2018
- Lecturer in GIS – Ohio State University
- Thursday, 03/01/2018
- Visiting Assistant Professor or Instructor of Geography